Previous patch notes at this link
We are proud to have added some new quality-of-life features in this latest version. Some need to be activated in the SETTINGS, others are a global change and will not require any action.
Arsenal: Ball Photo Crop
Taking a picture of the drilled bowling ball was always a challenge to center within the square. We now made it easier to do so.
In Windows: See video
- Take a picture using the camera
- You will see a round circle in the picture frame. Center the ball within that circle.
- This will only keep what is inside the circle and will delete the background.
In Android and iOS devices: See video
- Take a picture using the camera
- Confirm that picture.
- Center the picture by pinching the photo until it aligns inside the circle.
- Confirm the crop.
Finger Pitch Illustration in Dropdown
We added a visual representation of finger flexibility when selecting finger pitches for a FINGERTIP grip only. This is a feature requested from our HOTS classes, when new ball drillers have a hard time understanding how to properly pitch the hole based on finger flexibility. IBPSIA HOTS manual reference
5/16th Rule: Auto-Suggestion
Another great request from our ball drilling classes is the ability to do the 5/16th math to calculate the ring finger +/-. This is often something that is forgotten by the students, this auto-suggestion is a good aid for the notice fitter and has a link to our glossary for ease of use. For complete glossary listing, click here.
This suggestion can be found in the SETTINGS. By default, this feature is turned OFF.