- Contact list, similar to what you already use in your phone
- All the bowlers’ technical specs in a single window: PAP, Axis Rotation, Axis Tilt, Speed and Rev Rate
- Now your entire client list can be found in one simple-to-use app
Lose the spec sheet stack!
- 2 input types
- Left pane = Follow the flow
- Right pane = Click and go
- 2 input types
- Complete spec sheet history for each bowler (1 bowler to many spec sheets)
- Auto-Suggestions – this is where the app shines!
- According to IBPSIA reference material
- Use auto-suggestions to make your data entry that much quicker
- Check out our “How-to” videos which explain the differences of each of these options.
- Oval Calculation
- No more math, cuts given to you in 32nds
- Trapezoidal cuts and taper cuts are now a tap away
- Still like taking paper notes?
- No problem, you can snap multiple pictures of those notes and append them to the Spectre spec sheet in the system!
- Know what your clients have in their bag without them bringing their equipment to the shop
- Perfect use of the tablet’s camera to document what you’ve drilled for them over the years
- Associate a spec sheet to each ball, this way you know what you did to that ball!